Driver Improvement Course
Saturday course: $70.00
Weekday and Sunday course: $100.00
RADEP: $200.00 (full 12-hour program)
Teens (Age 17 and younger)
- Package Deal Includes: Behind the Wheel and Driver’s Ed: $450.00
- Student Behind the Wheel (only): $300.00
- Winter/Spring/Summer Break Package: $480.00
Teen Reexamination:
- Classroom Driver’s Ed: $225.00
Adult (Age 18 and older)
- Adult Behind the Wheel Rates
- Pay per hour: $65.00/hr.
- 5 in car lessons: $280.00
- 7 in car lessons: $325.00
- 10 in car lessons: $490.00
- Adult Classroom and Behind the Wheel Driver’s Ed Program: $450.00 (waives 60 day permit holding period and DMV Road Test for Adults only)
- Adult Behind the Wheel with DEC-1 (green) card or prior classroom completion: $375.00
Adult Reexamination:
- Classroom Driver’s Ed: $140.00
- In-Car Lessons: $400.00
- Classroom Driver’s Ed Only: $225.00
Other Fees
- Duplicate/Replacement (includes Driver Improvement certificate, DTS-B, DTS-D, and DTS-C forms): $30.00
- Late Cancellation Fee (cancellation of driving lesson without 24 hours’ notice): $20.00
- No-Show Fee (cancellation of all driving lessons without 24 hours’ notice): $40.00
- Replacement Workbook: $5.00
- Convenience Fee (one-time fee that is applied to customers who live immediately outside of the Richmond, Henrico and Chesterfield area): $50.00
*prices are subject to change without notice*